A powerful pro-family and pro-fatherhood message from the secretary of the Department of Social and Health Services kicked off the 2021 Washington State Fatherhood Summit, which runs March 16 to March 18.
Washington Initiative for Boys and Men is publishing here the bulk of Secretary Cheryl Strange’s welcome message given to the 3rd annual conference hosted by the Washington Interagency Fatherhood Council.
Secretary Strange started by acknowledging the hardship the pandemic has brought on:
While our communities have been severely impacted by the pandemic in countless ways, it has been particularly difficult to see how it has affected our state’s children — especially with in-classroom schooling being down for so long. Now, more than ever, the involvement of fathers in the lives of their children is tremendously vital, and that is why this summit takes on such an increased importance.
The role of fathers
She continued by addressing the essential role of fathers:
All of us share the common goal of lifting the voices of fathers by promoting fatherhood inclusion, equity, and value to strengthen families and maximize our children’s potential. We know the essential role of fathers is to nurture, provide, and guide their children. Often times we only think about providing financial support — and fathers are so much more than that. The true value is in the emotional support that a father brings to his children.

Discussing the impact of father involvement, she said:
Children raised in families that face multiple challenges have a more positive outcome, from conception into young adulthood, when a father is present. Dismantling poverty for the current and next generation will be critically affected by positive fatherhood engagement. When we increase parents’ ability — and especially fathers’ — to be the parents they want to be for their children, these children will have a much greater chance of escaping intergenerational poverty. At the end of the day, we all want to create a world in which every child has a 24/7 dad because that is the foundation for the healthy and nurturing relationships every child deserves with their father.
Secretary Strange concluded her welcome message by acknowledging the work of the Washington Interagency Fatherhood Council:
At DSHS our 17,000 employees transform the lives of Washingtonians every day, and we are exceptionally proud to partner with the Interagency Fatherhood Council of Washington as a crucial part of those efforts. I simply cannot say enough about the importance of your work.
WIBM thanks Governor Jay Inslee and Secretary Cheryl Strange for this gracious, important message.
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