The nation’s largest association of transportation officials has invited everyone except one sub-sub-subgroup of males for early access registration to their annual conference.
As of October 13, you can register for the National Association of City Transportation Officials 2020 conference except if your identity ticks all of these boxes: male, white (non-Hispanic), straight, not young, do not have disabilities, and do not work at a small company. To put it differently, if you fall into any one of these categories, you have priority registration for NACTO’s annual conference: women; any race/ethnicity except non-Hispanic white; any sexual orientation except straight; young; disabled; or work for a small company.

The National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) is an association of 86 major North American cities and transit agencies formed to exchange transportation ideas, insights, and practices and cooperatively approach national transportation issues. [Source:]. NACTO is headquartered in New York City.
NACTO staff are predominantly female. All seven staff at the director level are women, and over two-thirds of NACTO’s 33 staff are women (current as of 1/25/2021). The chair of their board of directors is a woman. The other four board members are men.