Based in Lynden, Washington, the Growing Veterans organization is a friend of Washington Initiative for Boys and Men. They have endorsed the legislation to create a Washington state commission on boys and men, and recently their Interim Executive Director, Logan Hilgers, sat down for a conversation with us.
Logan is a veteran of the Army National Guard and a former special education teacher and coach of multiple sports. He and his wife have a young son.
Logan spoke with Victor Barr, who’s an advocacy friend of WIBM and a lecturer in the School of Business at University of Washington Bothell. Victor also served in the Army National Guard.
Watch the 7-minute video below to get introduced to the Growing Veterans organization and the infectious passion of Logan Hilgers!
Growing Veterans has farms in Lynden (north of Bellingham) and on Whidbey Island.
“Growing Veterans is not a veteran-exclusive club. These are opportunities and experiences that are open to our entire community.” – Logan Hilgers, Interim Executive Director